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Howard Austin


When women delve in politics
And add their winsome charm,
That crafty "man" may swift relent
And save the State from harm;
It calls to mem'ry other days
When "woman" dared not roam,
Nor cast the radiance of her smile
Outside the bounds of home.


The ladies fair have organized,
Have made their power felt;
They stumped the State, in love, not hate
For Franklin Roosevelt.
For Henry Horner, Governor,
They gladly faced the fray,
And when the smoke had cleared away
They saw a brighter day.


And through the years from then 'til now
They've worked with ecstasy;
Enthralled, inspired and well content
With pride in Franklin D.
From A. A. A, to X. Y. Z.
Applaud his steady hand;
With hearts alight and giving thanks
For honesty and sand.


They've scanned the record carefully,
With throbbing pulse adore
The fearless, sterling character
Of our great Governor;
They hail the "Sales Tax" and they know
That children, Aged too,
Shall food and shelter have again
And lives begin anew.


The State's finances "In the Red"
For long, long years, "Way back,
Have steadily with certainty
Assumed a glowing black;
Administration business like,
Recovering from past ills,
And fruits of forethought, honest thrift,
We now discount our bills.


But yet, these ladies sorely grieve,
Uplift protesting hand;
For though the Governor is their joy,
One thing can't understand.
For though his attitude and strength
Have kept the State from harm;
And though they "point with wondrous pride",
They "View with great alarm".


The Governor comes from good, old stock,
A credit to his line;
He's loyal to his native State
And kneels at Lincoln's Shrine;
But, "one thing lacking," ladies say,
And view with grief and pain;
Devoutly hope he'll mend his ways
Before he runs again.


Though many ladies, small and great
Would love, obey, adore;
He seems immune to Cupid's wiles,
He's still a Bachelor.
A rose-strewn path, though marred with thorns,
Acquainted well with strife;
If he aspires to greater heights,
He needs must take a wife.


Then say the ladies, old and young,
"With Henry we have plead;
"Now, we'll a Resolution pass
"And on the records spread."
In legal phrase we'll clothe our thought
And speak right out our mind;
With intellect so bright and keen,
He's oh so hopeless, blind.


So the, WHEREAS, In meeting here
We view impending doom
For one we love and reverence,
Yet in his heart no room
For woman's matchless loyalty
And home's unfathomed bliss;
His empty arms and hungry lips
Unhallowed by a kiss.


And too, WHEREAS, We fondly b'lieve
His fame would spread apace
If tender hands and loving soul
Should add their healing grace.
And take from him the ugly taint
Of Bachelor's life alone
And stamp the seal of wedded bliss
Beneath the State House Dome.


And so, Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED,
That this night here and now,
Committees name, investigate,
With power them endow.
And furthermore, each one so named
Shall call a spade a spade,
And straightway then complete a list
Of ravishing old Maids.


And not too old, nor yet too young,
Too thin and not too stout;
And too prone to levity
His dignity would rout.
But one whose wisdom, wit and truth
Would keep him safe from harm,
And in that Mansion stately, old,
Dispel the gloom with charm.


And in the Session soon to come.
In Legislative Hall,
Present a Bill and make it law,
E'en though the Heavens fall.
"No Bachelor for Governor,
But married he must be,
And sure as fate our Governor
Will yield submissively.


Then may we sit, content supreme,
No more we'll feel alone,
For future days will hold no fears,
A woman's on the throne.
And further, we each one resolve
To multiply their joy,
By pledging loyalty supreme
To glorious Illinois.



H. B. Austin